Riff Playbooks: Plini


Riff Playbooks column is designed to make you a better player. By gleaning some insight into the technique, composition, and execution of these fine riffs by fine SH artists, you are bound to make headway in your own playing. We cordially invite you to steal a page from our books in order to expand your own diabolical playbook of musical wizardry ( not literally though, the books are expensive to create).

Plini was kind enough to come by the Sheet Happens office on an off-day he had in Toronto (before performing at the Opera House the following night).  We sent him a breakdown of what we wanted to do - and informed him that he would be among the first to create a "Riff Playbook" for the brand new SH.com

"There are two things I need to get out of the way before we start," he said as he ducked his head into the office. "First off - I am insanely tired...and secondly, I didn't look at any of the stuff you sent me so have no clue what I am doing here".

It was the perfect start to a magical afternoon!  In reality though, it only took a minute for Plini to decide exactly which passage he wanted to show us.  Here are bars 33 - 48 from "Inhale" - an excerpt from The Complete Guitar Transcription for Plini's first full length album "Handmade Cities".

Plini was kind enough to slow things down so that we could get a better look at what he was doing:

...but he wasn't actually "free" yet.

As if we hadn't punished him enough, we then asked Plini some questions about himself (with mixed results...).  Turns out he is as big of a Steve Vai fan as Stevie V is of him!  His answers may not be overly in-depth, but we can assure you his musical prowess is! 

Check out more of Plini's instructional products through his full Sheet Happens catalog HERE.  

Want to learn some more Handmade Cities material?  You can grab an instant download link to a FREE PDF song sheet for "Cascade" HERE.  We have even included the Guitar Pro files for you industrious learners out there!

To listen to more of Plini's "Handmade Cities", head to one of the links below: