Riff Playbooks: Mark Holcomb | Periphery - Ji
The "Riff Playbooks" column is designed to make you a better player. By gleaning some insight into the technique, composition, and execution of these fine riffs by fine SH artists, you are bound to make headway in your own playing. We cordially invite you to steal a page from our books in order to expand your own diabolical playbook of musical wizardry (not literally though, the books are expensive to create).
In this latest Riff Playbook, Periphery riff wizard 3 of 3, Mark Holcomb, graciously sat down to run us through a particularly intricate and fantastic section of the song “Ji” from “Periphery II: This Time It’s Personal - The Complete Guitar Transcription.” Grab your fully extended range guitar and give this one a shot with the free tabs right here. And if you don’t happen to extend your range as far as this song necessitates (8 strings, by our count), check out the book here for a run down of what songs require how many strings, grab yourself a copy, and take your pick! There’s certainly something for everyone when it comes to Periphery, and the P2 guitar book is no exception. Take it away, Mark!