Riff Playbooks: Jake Howsam Lowe - Oh Earth


The "Riff Playbooks" column is designed to make you a better player. By gleaning some insight into the technique, composition, and execution of these fine riffs by fine SH artists, you are bound to make headway in your own playing. We cordially invite you to steal a page from our books in order to expand your own diabolical playbook of musical wizardry (not literally though, the books are expensive to create).

Jake Howsam Lowe is certainly a prolific musician. As a founding member of The Helix Nebula, touring guitarist for Plini, and most recently a collaborator of Australia’s I Built the Sky (with whom he wrote a full collaborative EP) he’s had his hands full with incredible projects for the last decade or so. This, however, Jake’s first SH Riff Playbook, is focusing on his solo efforts. If you’ve heard or seen him play guitar in any of these contexts, it will come as no surprise that Jake is an absolutely deadly guitarist, and his first solo release, the Oh Earth EP is a pretty clear declaration of that fact. The title track of the EP, demonstrates some signature JHL technique and melody, which to borrow a phrase, is clean & clear & under control. Seriously though, immaculate technique and a distinctive melodic voice, what’s not to love? We could go on about how good a guitarist he is, but it’ll be much more fun for you to watch the video below, grab the free tabs here and give this fantastic section a try. Once you’re through that, check out “Oh, Earth - The Complete Guitar Transcription” for even more of Jake’s signature prog metal tactics & techniques. If you’re in need of a good cleaning of the proverbial technique house, this is the guy for the job. 

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