Rabea + Plini | Giving 6

When Rabea and Plini were approached by Neural DSP to write and record a song to show off their respective Signature Plugins, it appears they jumped at the opportunity, and dove in head first. By "dove in", we mean of course that they boldly ventured into some beautiful Finnish scenery and shot a full-on, cinematic music video to back up the amazing tune they had written together.
As if that wasn't enough, both of these riff-lords agreed they'd like their fans to be able to learn this song for FREE, it its entirely.
So, here we are with another "On The House" column to provide to you exactly what Rabea and Plini requested.
You can grab a completely FREE transcription of the entire song HERE (download pack contains PDF + Guitar Pro files!)
While you're at it, check out the quite literally wild video for "Giving 6" below.
Here's Plini on how the collaboration came about:
"Discovering that we would both be in Helsinki at the same time, Bea & I decided to make a song together. Then Neural DSP did what they do best (make things outrageously epic as a bare minimum) and sent us out on an adventure through some nearby forests & archipelagos to produce this video. Enjoy!"