Dave Davidson | Revocation - Existence Is Futile - Solo Playthrough

Shortly after the release of our latest Revocation book, "Existence Is Futile - The Complete Guitar Transcription", lead guitarist and vocalist Dave Davidson took to the internet to remind us of a few things. Firstly, that he knows how to write (and rip) a devastatingly good death metal solo, and secondly, that the Revocation tab books are the first step on a long road toward becoming even half the guitar player he is. Of course, we are inferring that this is what he meant to say with the video, but regardless of whether that was his intent or not, these are the facts.
Dave is a benevolent riff god, and to give us mortals a chance he has kindly agreed to include "Existence Is Futile" as one of our freebies for May 2020. Grab the tabs for free here, but only after you've watched the video below, and have subsequently pledged your futile existence to the pursuit of ripping solos as hard as Dave does.