Circa Survive | Get Out (Care of Plintervals)

Here at Sheet Happens, nothing brings us more joy than seeing musicians learning from our books, and having fun exploring the music of our artists. Nothing except, perhaps, making Aaron and Plini acquiesce to our every whim when visiting the SH office. Well on this blessed day some 2 years ago, we got our wish on both accounts. Aaron and Plini agreed to choose a book from our shelf, and together, learn a thing or two about playing guitar. That book was Circa Survive's "Blue Sky Noise".
Here are some recollections from Aaron & Plini about the circumstances of this impromptu little jam session:
"This video is a relic from summer '19, the day after a clinic we hosted for Sheet Happens. If memory serves, the SH folks challenged us to choose a book from their shelf, and learn something on the spot. I'm pretty sure we both unanimously decided Circa was our best bet, so we settled on "Get Out" and arranged a couple sections for guitars only. Love this tune. Such a fun weekend." Aaron
"...I remember having the most fun few days doing the SH masterclass and then hanging out with Aaron in Toronto. Before flying out, it just made perfect sense to cover part of one of our favourite Circa Survive songs. I'm glad that, two years later, the video has surfaced!" - Plini
We now present to you the aftermath of these two sitting down for 5-10 minutes and locking down a fantastic section from Circa Survive’s "Get Out", from “Blue Sky Noise - The Complete Guitar Transcription”. It was definitely a treat to watch these fellas use the book's transcription as a springboard for their own rendition. We hope you enjoy, and would like to offer you the same chance for unmitigated fun and education with the free tab for this entire song! Click here to download "Get Out", and enjoy this little time capsule of two friends riffing away a summer afternoon.